Table / View | Rows | Type | Comments |
tbl_taxa_tree_genera | 5233 | Table | Table containing taxonomic genera information. |
tbl_value_qualifiers | 0 | Table | List of base value qualifiers such as ‘>’, ‘<’ etc |
tbl_taxa_reference_specimens | 0 | Table | Contains information on reference and type specimens used for the primary description of species. |
tbl_measured_value_dimensions | 0 | Table | Stores dimensional measurements of samples, such as weight before and after burning, volume, or other similar metrics. |
tbl_ceramics | 77974 | Table | Stores analysis results from ceramic thin-sections and sherds. |
tbl_text_biology | 39452 | Table | Contains ecological, habitat, and behavioral information for various taxa, along with references to their sources, such as ‘in hollows on old oaks.’ |
tbl_sample_locations | 20216 | Table | Stores information about the locations of samples based on predefined types. |
tbl_rdb_codes | 0 | Table | Definitions of rarity categories across various systems, as specified in tbl_rdb_systems. |
tbl_taxonomic_order | 14528 | Table | Contains taxonomic codes for organizing species within a taxonomic hierarchy or referencing external database systems (e.g., GBIF, Artdatabanken). |
tbl_languages | 0 | Table | Stores information about human languages used for the common names of taxa. |
tbl_contact_types | 0 | Table | Specifies various contact types, categorizing them by their roles or functions such as laboratory, sample taker, or dataset creator. This categorization aids in linking contacts to their respective roles within the system. |
tbl_taxonomy_notes | 17255 | Table | Contains general notes on taxa, primarily regarding identification issues (e.g., potential confusion with similar taxa), and may include references and image links. |
tbl_record_types | 22 | Table | This table categorizes biological proxies based on their general usage or origin, enabling the creation of meaningful subsets from the complete taxonomic index and associated abundance elements. It ensures relevance by excluding options like ‘seed’ from datasets related to insects. The classification is primarily at the ‘Order’ level in the taxonomic hierarchy. For example, ‘Insects & similar’ includes insects, arthropods, and other related animals, while ‘Plants & pollen’ groups entities with shared ecological significance, such as plant presence. |
tbl_abundance_modifications | 7594 | Table | Stores information about modifications applied to individual specimen counts, such as carbonization, corrosion, or calcification. This enables recording multiple instances of the same taxon with varying modifications (e.g., Hordeum sp. carbonized and Hordeum sp. unmodified). |
tbl_sample_descriptions | 6943 | Table | Stores detailed descriptions of samples categorized by different description types. |
tbl_relative_age_types | 14 | Table | Contains various types of relative ages used in different contexts such as archaeological, Blytt-Sernander, and Geological. These age types can vary in specificity, ranging from well-defined systems like Blytt-Sernander to broader categories like geological periods. |
tbl_sample_group_references | 967 | Table | Contains bibliographic information specifically relevant to a sample group, distinct from site or dataset references (e.g., a publication that reinterprets a structure within a site). |
tbl_taxa_images | 0 | Table | Contains references to images of taxa, stored either in external databases or available online. |
tbl_age_types | 0 | Table | This table provides a reference for different chronological systems used to denote years, such as AD, BC, and BP. |
tbl_image_types | 8 | Table | Stores metadata regarding the purpose of images, such as site photos, sample group sketches, and core photos. |
tbl_site_preservation_status | 0 | Table | Contains data on the preservation levels and threats to cultural heritage sites. Each record represents a unique preservation status or threat. This table was created at the request of PAN (Polar Archaeology Network) members to support the evaluation of threats to Arctic cultural heritage. |
tbl_sample_location_type_sampling_contexts | 0 | Table | This table establishes a relationship between sample location types and their respective sampling contexts. |
tbl_analysis_boolean_values | 0 | Table | Stores analysis values that represent a boolean (true/false) condition. |
tbl_ceramics_lookup | 28 | Table | This table serves as a reference for ceramic types and their associated details. |
tbl_relative_dates | 19822 | Table | This table records the relative dating information for samples by associating a relative age definition with a physical sample through an analysis entity. It includes details about dating methods, notes, and indications of uncertainty (e.g., ‘from’, ‘ca’, ‘<’). |
tbl_identification_levels | 6 | Table | This table serves as a lookup for taxonomic identification levels, detailing the resolution or uncertainty in identification, such as ‘cf. Family’, ‘cf. Genus’, or ‘cf. Species’. |
tbl_species_association_types | 108 | Table | Defines the permissible types of associations between species, such as ‘predates on’, ‘is predated by’, ‘parasitic on’, and ‘parasitized by’. |
tbl_taxa_synonyms | 0 | Table | Contains alternative scientific names for taxa, along with primary references for their definition or usage. |
tbl_sample_group_notes | 0 | Table | Stores notes pertaining to groups of samples. |
tbl_geochron_refs | 0 | Table | Contains references for geochronological (radiometric) dating of samples. |
tbl_sample_group_sampling_contexts | 0 | Table | This table defines the type of context or situation in which a sample group was collected. It includes the investigation purpose or initial collection intent, such as stratigraphic sequence, invertebrate survey, archaeological excavation, or quantitative vegetation survey. This context aids in filtering and analyzing samples based on specific project types, like climate reconstruction using stratigraphic sequences or habitat analysis using modern survey data. |
tbl_sample_group_descriptions | 7059 | Table | Contains definitions or descriptions of groups of samples, categorized by a specific description type. |
tbl_years_types | 4 | Table | Contains the names and descriptions of different types of years used for dating, such as radiocarbon or calendar years. |
tbl_dataset_masters | 5 | Table | Represents a major grouping identifier for datasets, typically indicating a contributing database, project, user, or laboratory (e.g., BugsCEP, MAL, Lund Dendro Lab). |
tbl_tephras | 0 | Table | Details of volcanic tephra layers, including their age estimates (e.g., Hekla 1984). |
tbl_analysis_categorical_values | 0 | Table | Storage for analysis values that represents a categorical value. |
tbl_geochronology | 1463 | Table | Contains radiometric dating information for samples, primarily radiocarbon, but also includes other methods such as Uranium series. These are also referred to as absolute dates. |
tbl_sample_group_coordinates | 1026 | Table | Stores coordinates related to sample groups, such as the top of a core, the top of a profile, or specific locations on dendrochronological or ceramic objects. |
tbl_analysis_numerical_values | 0 | Table | Storage for analysis values that represents a numerical. |
tbl_physical_samples | 43181 | Table | This table records information about physical samples collected from specific sites. Each sample is characterized by its location within the site, its physical properties measured in specific units (e.g., liters, kilograms), and its context within a sample set. Additionally, samples may have descriptive information, notes, and external identifiers linked to other systems. |
tbl_relative_ages | 1164 | Table | Contains definitions of ages based on historical periods or calendar events, including age ranges and geographical relevance (e.g., Mesolithic in Sweden). |
tbl_taxonomic_order_biblio | 0 | Table | Contains bibliographic references related to the taxonomic ordering or numbering systems. Multiple references may be associated. |
tbl_abundances | 233645 | Table | This table records data related to biological proxies, such as individual counts, presence indicators, or scaled values, linking each entry to a specific taxon through an analysis entity. It serves as a species list detailing abundance information for a single physical sample. The intermediate analysis entity allows for the association of multiple proxies per sample. Entries typically reflect count values (abundance), but can also denote presence (1) or use categorical or relative scales, as specified by the dataset’s data type. |
tbl_analysis_taxon_counts | 0 | Table | Storage for analysis values that represents a taxon counts. |
tbl_horizons | 122 | Table | Represents the layer of soil from which samples are taken, classified according to a recognized standard (e.g., FAO A horizon). |
tbl_value_types | 0 | Table | Specifies actual type of values belonging to a value class |
tbl_value_type_items | 0 | Table | Defines individual category values if value type is categorical |
tbl_measured_values | 91617 | Table | This table records continuous chemical or physical values related to specific sample analyses. Each Sample Analysis can have zero or one associated Measured Value. |
tbl_sample_alt_refs | 28421 | Table | Contains various reference names for physical samples, such as laboratory or field numbers. |
tbl_lithology | 0 | Table | This table provides a detailed description of sedimentary units within a sample group. It allows for the characterization of a soil profile at various depths, corresponding to the sample depths (e.g., 0-10 cm: humus, 10-30 cm: sand). |
tbl_location_types | 14 | Table | Contains definitions for various geographical terms, specifying their resolution and context (e.g., administrative unit, historical administrative unit, lake, country). |
tbl_sample_types | 18 | Table | Defines the physical form or category of a sample. This can include specific sub-samples related to the sampling method of a sample group, or general bulk samples. Examples include ‘Core Subsample’, ‘Grab Sample’, and ‘Bulk (Bag) Sample’. |
tbl_data_type_groups | 8 | Table | Contains classifications for various data types, such as relative scale and semi-quantitative. |
tbl_taxa_common_names | 4272 | Table | Stores vernacular or common names of organisms, such as ‘bluebottle’. |
tbl_taxa_tree_families | 529 | Table | Stores information about taxonomic families. |
tbl_colours | 0 | Table | Contains the names and definitions of colours as classified by specific methods or colour spaces, such as Munsell or 2.5YR. |
tbl_analysis_values | 225 | Table | Stores results from an analysis as a (untyped) string value. |
tbl_chronologies | 0 | Table | This table represents a collection of dated samples grouped for specific purposes, such as assigning a unified age range to samples in a master dataset or developing an age-depth model for a lake. These chronologies may also be used to integrate with external services that limit the scope of dating evidence, such as GBIF or SBDI. |
tbl_site_other_records | 2583 | Table | Contains information about data related to specific sites that is not currently stored in SEAD. Each record corresponds to a distinct proxy type, even if multiple proxies are linked to the same publication. Note that some of these datasets might be integrated into SEAD in the future. Requests for data submission can be directed to the SEAD project team. |
tbl_analysis_entity_prep_methods | 34477 | Table | This table links analysis entities with their respective preparation methods. |
tbl_taxa_tree_master | 23980 | Table | Represents the finest level of taxonomic classification, typically at the species level. It may also include designations such as ‘sp.’ for an unspecified single species, ‘spp.’ for multiple unspecified species, ‘grp’ for taxonomic groups, or split identifications (e.g., x/y), along with other cases depending on the taxonomic context. |
tbl_analysis_entity_ages | 6808 | Table | This table represents a virtual entity that defines a single proxy within a specific physical sample, acting as a statistical sample. A physical sample can contain multiple analysis entities, each linking various proxies. This structure facilitates the precise recording of specific species used in methods like radiocarbon dating. |
tbl_sample_description_types | 10 | Table | Stores various types of sample descriptions used in the database. |
tbl_dating_material | 0 | Table | Contains information about materials used for dating processes. Materials can be linked to a specific taxon, pseudotaxon, or described in the ‘material_dated’ field. Specific components of abundance, such as seeds or elytrons, can also be indicated. A single dating instance may involve multiple materials. |
tbl_activity_types | 10 | Table | Defines the life stage or activity of an organism during a specific time of the year, such as ‘adult’ or ‘flowering’. |
tbl_projects | 505 | Table | Contains information about projects, including their names and descriptions, pertinent to datasets for specific sites. |
tbl_text_identification_keys | 425 | Table | Stores identification key extracts along with their bibliographic sources. |
tbl_abundance_elements | 0 | Table | Contains reference data that defines the type of element, part, or unit being counted, as indicated by the values in tbl_abundances. For insects, this is often the Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI), but it can also include individual body parts such as wings, shells, or leg segments. For plant remains (macrofossils), it generally represents specific plant parts like seeds, leaves, or bud scales. |
tbl_methods | 133 | Table | Contains definitions and details of various analysis methods. |
tbl_sample_dimensions | 7763 | Table | Contains measurable dimension data for samples, excluding coordinates. This includes attributes such as volume, weight, and depth within stratigraphy or cores. Related names and descriptions of dimensions are maintained in the ‘tbl_dimension’ table. |
tbl_locations | 3404 | Table | Represents geographical locations, typically defined by regions. These can be current or historical locations. |
tbl_tephra_refs | 0 | Table | Contains bibliographic information related to the identification and description of tephra layers (volcanic ash deposits). |
tbl_abundance_ident_levels | 480 | Table | Represents the degree of certainty in taxonomic identification, categorized by levels such as Family, Genus, or Species (e.g., cf. Family, cf. Genus, cf. Species). |
tbl_analysis_identifiers | 0 | Table | Storage for identifiers associated to analysis values, or analysis value that represents an identifier. |
tbl_dataset_submission_types | 0 | Table | This table serves as a lookup for different types of dataset submissions, such as original submissions or data ingested from external databases. |
tbl_site_references | 2703 | Table | This table catalogs publications that describe or mention sites. Publications related to specific sample groups, physical samples, or datasets are documented at their respective hierarchical levels. |
tbl_taxa_measured_attributes | 12159 | Table | Table storing measurements related to the size of organisms, such as maximum length. |
tbl_sample_coordinates | 56928 | Table | Stores the physical location data of samples. This includes both local grid references and standardized global coordinates, such as latitude and longitude. The table references a methods table to determine the type of grid used, facilitating the plotting of samples on large-scale maps or site-specific projects. |
tbl_sample_groups | 6528 | Table | Contains collections of related samples, typically grouped by structures (e.g., House 1), stratigraphic sequences (e.g., profile 3), or lake cores. Groups can be defined flexibly based on research needs. |
tbl_features | 2669 | Table | The ‘tbl_features’ table represents archaeological features, which are immovable traces of past human activities. These features include structures or landscape modifications such as building remains, hearths, burials, pits, roads, terraces, and defensive constructions like mounds and ditches. They are vital for understanding the spatial organization, cultural practices, and daily life of ancient societies, providing context for interpreting artifacts and environmental interactions. Archaeological features are analyzed in situ through excavation and surveying to offer insights into historical human-environment dynamics. |
dyntaxa_taxonomyc_order_system_temp | 4090 | Table | |
tbl_season_types | 3 | Table | Stores different categories of seasons. |
tbl_dating_labs | 234 | Table | Contains identifiers and names of radiocarbon laboratories sourced from This table ensures transparency and traceability in radiocarbon and other radiometric dating records. |
tbl_ecocode_systems | 4 | Table | Table defining various systems used for classifying specific attributes of taxa, including habitat preferences, food types, and cultural uses. |
tbl_dating_uncertainty | 8 | Table | Defines various types of dating uncertainties, such as ‘from’, ‘to’, ‘circa (Ca.)’, and ‘?’. These uncertainties help specify date ranges or approximate periods, such as ‘from Mesolithic to Neolithic’ or ‘from AD 100 to AD 300’. |
tbl_taxa_tree_orders | 56 | Table | Represents the taxonomic order level within the taxonomic hierarchy. |
tbl_sample_horizons | 7857 | Table | Represents the specific soil layer from which a sample is collected. |
tbl_sample_group_description_type_sampling_contexts | 56 | Table | Associates description types with sampling methods. Specifically used for dendrochronology to group description types based on detail levels, indicating how fields relate to dendrochronological analysis of buildings. |
tbl_data_types | 17 | Table | Stores information about the types of quantification methods used in datasets, including definitions of each classification system. |
tbl_contacts | 395 | Table | Stores contact information for various roles, such as dataset authors, specimen identifiers, and laboratory managers. |
tbl_site_locations | 8524 | Table | Associates site identifiers with location names. |
tbl_mcr_summary_data | 436 | Table | Contains concise summaries detailing the temperature tolerance limits of MCR species. |
tbl_sample_colours | 0 | Table | Contains information about the colors related to physical samples. |
tbl_sample_group_description_types | 58 | Table | This table categorizes the types of descriptions related to sample groups. It includes types such as architectural data (e.g., roof type, structural details) or dendrochronological anlabels related to shipwrecks. Note that these descriptions are intended to provide context and should not be used to infer specific features of the samples. Users can add custom lookup data. |
tbl_text_distribution | 43641 | Table | Contains descriptive distribution information for taxa, along with references to the source publications. For example, ‘Scandinavia north of Tromsø, British Isles - rare.’ |
tbl_value_qualifier_symbols | 0 | Table | Specifies alternative symbols for value qualifiers |
tbl_site_natgridrefs | 0 | Table | Stores site coordinates using various national grid systems, such as the UK Ordnance Survey National Grid and Swedish SWEREF99. Each site may have coordinates in multiple grid systems (e.g., Swedish RT90 and SWEREF99TM). |
tbl_species_associations | 8852 | Table | Represents the relationships between different taxa, including interactions such as predation, parasitism, shared habitats, and synonym links. The directionality of the association (e.g., ‘x preys on y’) is crucial. |
tbl_units | 15 | Table | Table storing definitions of measurement units (e.g., mm for millimeters). |
tbl_sites | 3462 | Table | The ‘tbl_sites’ table records detailed information about each excavation or sampling location, referred to as a Site, in the SEAD database. Sites are organized into Sample Sets to construct environmental pre- and historical data records. |
tbl_rdb | 2224 | Table | Contains rarity data for taxa within specific geographical areas (e.g., threatened species in Sweden). |
tbl_analysis_integer_ranges | 0 | Table | Storage for analysis values that represents an integer range. |
tbl_mcrdata_birmbeetledat | 15696 | Table | Stores species climate envelopes using binary 1-degree Celsius cells, categorized by TRange (columns) and TMax (rows). For more information, visit |
tbl_analysis_dating_ranges | 0 | Table | Storage for analysis values that represents a dating range. |
tbl_sample_images | 0 | Table | Stores images related to samples, including site photographs, lab processing images, and microscope images. |
tbl_sample_notes | 5357 | Table | Contains miscellaneous notes related to samples that do not belong in other tables, such as ‘stored in a cellar until processing in 2020’. |
tbl_ceramics_measurements | 0 | Table | Contains measurements from ceramic analysis processes. |
tbl_biblio | 8943 | Table | Central repository for storing bibliographic references in the SEAD database. It stores detailed citations, including author, title, year, publisher, and DOI/URL for various sources such as books and articles. This table connects to domain-specific tables via foreign keys, ensuring data integrity and supporting research by centralizing bibliographic information. |
tbl_dataset_contacts | 42642 | Table | Stores information about one or more contacts related to a dataset, such as data providers or digitalisers. |
tbl_datasets | 59042 | Table | The tbl_datasets table organizes collections of analysis entities into datasets, which are structured collections relevant to the specific proxy being studied. For biological proxies, a dataset typically corresponds to a spreadsheet containing samples and taxa for a single analysis method, such as phosphates through citric acid extraction. |
tbl_feature_types | 111 | Table | The ‘tbl_feature_types’ table categorizes archaeological features by their function, shape, or construction to facilitate the study of historical human activities. Categories include: domestic structures (e.g., homes), public and ceremonial spaces (e.g., temples, public buildings), economic and industrial areas (e.g., workshops, kilns), defensive structures (e.g., fortifications, walls), agricultural modifications (e.g., terraces, irrigation systems), funerary sites (e.g., graves, tombs), transportation routes (e.g., roads, bridges), and water management systems (e.g., wells, aqueducts). These classifications provide insights into societal organization, cultural practices, and technological advancements across various eras and regions. |
tbl_ecocodes | 41996 | Table | Associates ecological classifications with specific taxa. |
tbl_rdb_systems | 3 | Table | Details of rarity designation systems (commonly known as Red Data Books) and the regions where they are applicable. |
tbl_imported_taxa_replacements | 0 | Table | |
tbl_sample_group_dimensions | 134 | Table | Stores the physical dimensions of a sample group (e.g., core length) based on a specified dimension type. |
tbl_analysis_value_dimensions | 0 | Table | Storage for dimension of analysis value. |
tbl_taxa_seasonality | 9915 | Table | Contains information about the specific parts of the year (e.g., Winter, June) during which certain activities or developmental stages of taxa occur (e.g., adult stage from June to August). |
tbl_dimensions | 0 | Table | Contains definitions of various measurement types, such as sample weight and core length, categorized by method group. |
tbl_taxonomic_order_systems | 2 | Table | Contains different taxonomic order systems, which provide unique and name-independent identifiers for taxa. It facilitates mapping across various systems, enhancing interoperability between databases. |
tbl_sample_description_sample_group_contexts | 0 | Table | This table links sample descriptions to their respective group contexts, providing a structured way to manage and categorize sample data. |
tbl_analysis_entities | 163158 | Table | The ‘tbl_analysis_entities’ table represents Analysis Entities, which are virtual constructs allowing the association of multiple proxies with a single physical sample. This enables the linking of physical samples to various measurements or counts across different methods. Analysis Entities are organized by datasets, which are constructed based on proxy requirements. Refer to the ‘Dataset’ documentation for more details. |
tbl_site_images | 0 | Table | Contains images related to a site, such as site photographs, aerial images, or location maps. |
tbl_coordinate_method_dimensions | 0 | Table | This table defines the dimensions applicable to each coordinate system method and specifies any legal values for these dimensions. Each entry associates a coordinate system method with its corresponding dimensions and their permissible value ranges. |
tbl_seasons | 20 | Table | Stores information about different seasons and their associated months for categorizing activities. |
tbl_physical_sample_features | 7968 | Table | This table establishes a many-to-many relationship between samples and specific features, allowing a feature to be related to multiple samples and a sample to be linked to multiple features. This supports scenarios where samples originate from nested feature groups or features with multiple identifiers. |
tbl_analysis_numerical_ranges | 0 | Table | Storage for analysis values that represents a numerical range. |
tbl_modification_types | 10 | Table | Stores information about various modifications or alterations observed in Quaternary or sub-fossils, such as carbonization, mineralization, and fragmentation. |
tbl_analysis_integer_values | 0 | Table | Storage for analysis values that represents an integer value. |
tbl_method_groups | 15 | Table | This table categorizes various analysis methods into groups based on their similarities, such as dating methods, isotope analyses, palaeoentomology, or geographic location. |
tbl_sample_location_types | 9 | Table | Contains the different types of sample locations used within the system. |
tbl_ecocode_definitions | 322 | Table | Contains definitions for ecological, habitat, or ethnographic categories, which are linked to specific taxa within a defined classification system. |
tbl_value_classes | 54 | Table | Specifies a value class describing e.g. a data column |
tbl_tephra_dates | 0 | Table | Records tephrachronology-based sample dates, including associated uncertainties and additional notes. |
tbl_project_types | 5 | Table | Defines the categories of projects based on their primary purpose or objective, such as teaching, consultancy, research, or their combinations. |
tbl_taxa_tree_authors | 4828 | Table | Stores authoritative information for species names or synonyms. |
tbl_temperatures | 2078 | Table | Contains temperature-related data with historical context, particularly focusing on isotopic measurements and their corresponding age. |
tbl_relative_age_refs | 0 | Table | Stores bibliographic references that define the accepted authority for a dating period, rather than the dating of a specific sample. |
tbl_sample_group_images | 0 | Table | Contains images related to sample groups, such as photographs or annotated sketches of cores. |
tbl_dataset_submissions | 143412 | Table | Stores records of various submission events related to a dataset, such as initial recording, database entries, and integrations with SEAD. |
tbl_alt_ref_types | 11 | Table | This table defines the types of alternative references or names assigned to samples. These references might include identifiers like lab numbers, field numbers, museum numbers, or site excavation numbers, indicating the origin or purpose of the sample’s alternative reference. |
tbl_project_stages | 6 | Table | This table defines the various stages of an investigation, such as desktop study, prospection, full excavation, and reanalysis. |
tbl_ecocode_groups | 12 | Table | Represents a hierarchical classification system for taxon groups, allowing integration of diverse classification types such as habitat, food type, and food condition. |
tbl_mcr_names | 436 | Table | Contains the original taxon names utilized in the Birmingham MCR calculation system for climate reconstruction. It ensures the reproducibility of results and facilitates comparison with historical data. |
tbl_analysis_notes | 0 | Table | Storage for notes associated to an analysis value. |
tbl_analysis_entity_dimensions | 0 | Table | Contains information about the physical dimensions of samples used for analysis, including both analyzed samples and non-analyzed residues. |
view_taxa_alphabetically | 0 | View | |
view_bibliography_references | 0 | View |