
6808 rows


This table represents a virtual entity that defines a single proxy within a specific physical sample, acting as a statistical sample. A physical sample can contain multiple analysis entities, each linking various proxies. This structure facilitates the precise recording of specific species used in methods like radiocarbon dating.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
analysis_entity_age_id int4 10

Primary key (automatically incremented).

age numeric(20,5) 20,5

Represents the estimated age derived from analysis.

age_older numeric(20,5) 20,5

The upper bound of the age range estimate.

age_younger numeric(20,5) 20,5

The lower bound of the age range estimate.

analysis_entity_id int8 19
tbl_analysis_entities.analysis_entity_id fk_analysis_entity_ages_analysis_entity_id R

Identifies the specific analysis entity associated with this record.

chronology_id int4 10
tbl_chronologies.chronology_id fk_analysis_entity_ages_chronology_id R

Specifies the the identifier of a specific chronology.

date_updated timestamptz 35,6
dating_specifier text 2147483647

Specifies the method or criteria used for dating the sample.

age_range int4range 2147483647

The range as a tyed (int4range) value.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_analysis_entity_ages_pkey Primary key Asc analysis_entity_age_id
