
0 rows


Storage for analysis values that represents a numerical range.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
analysis_numerical_range_id int8 19

Primary key (automatically incremented).

analysis_value_id int8 19
tbl_analysis_values.analysis_value_id tbl_analysis_numerical_ranges_analysis_value_id_fkey R

Identifies the specific analysis value associated with this data.

value numrange 2147483647

The analysed value interpretated as a numerical (decimal) range.

low_is_uncertain bool 1

Indicates if lower value is uncertain (e.g. question mark).

high_is_uncertain bool 1

Indicates if higher value is uncertain (e.g. question mark).

low_qualifier text 2147483647
tbl_value_qualifier_symbols.symbol tbl_analysis_numerical_ranges_low_qualifier_fkey R

Additional information qualifying the lower value.

high_qualifier text 2147483647
tbl_value_qualifier_symbols.symbol tbl_analysis_numerical_ranges_high_qualifier_fkey R

Additional information qualifying the higher value.

is_variant bool 1

Indicates if value is an alternative interpretation of analysed value.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_analysis_numerical_ranges_pkey Primary key Asc analysis_numerical_range_id
