
56928 rows


Stores the physical location data of samples. This includes both local grid references and standardized global coordinates, such as latitude and longitude. The table references a methods table to determine the type of grid used, facilitating the plotting of samples on large-scale maps or site-specific projects.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
sample_coordinate_id int4 10

Primary key (automatically incremented).

physical_sample_id int4 10
tbl_physical_samples.physical_sample_id fk_sample_coordinates_physical_sample_id R

Identifies the specific physical sample.

coordinate_method_dimension_id int4 10
tbl_coordinate_method_dimensions.coordinate_method_dimension_id fk_sample_coordinates_coordinate_method_dimension_id R

Specifies referencing the method used to determine the grid type.

measurement numeric(20,10) 20,10

The specific coordinate measurement value.

accuracy numeric(20,10) 20,10

Describes the precision of the GPS data, e.g., 5m, 10m, 0.01m.

date_updated timestamptz 35,6


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_sample_coordinates_pkey Primary key Asc sample_coordinate_id
idx_sample_coordinates_coordinate_method_dimension_id Performance Asc coordinate_method_dimension_id
idx_sample_coordinates_physical_sample_id Performance Asc physical_sample_id
