
20 rows


Stores information about different seasons and their associated months for categorizing activities.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
season_id int4 10
tbl_analysis_dating_ranges.season_id tbl_analysis_dating_ranges_season_id_fkey R
tbl_taxa_seasonality.season_id fk_taxa_seasonality_season_id R

Primary key (automatically incremented).

date_updated timestamptz 35,6
season_name varchar(20) 20

Name of the season, e.g., Winter, Spring.

season_type varchar(30) 30

Descriptive category for the season, such as meteorological or astronomical.

season_type_id int4 10
tbl_season_types.season_type_id fk_seasons_season_type_id R

Specifies the season type.

sort_order int2 5

Specifies the display order of seasons.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_seasons_pkey Primary key Asc season_id
tbl_seasons_season_name_key Must be unique Asc season_name
tbl_seasons_season_name_unique Must be unique Asc season_name
