
8943 rows


Central repository for storing bibliographic references in the SEAD database. It stores detailed citations, including author, title, year, publisher, and DOI/URL for various sources such as books and articles. This table connects to domain-specific tables via foreign keys, ensuring data integrity and supporting research by centralizing bibliographic information.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
biblio_id int4 10
tbl_dataset_masters.biblio_id fk_dataset_masters_biblio_id R
tbl_datasets.biblio_id fk_datasets_biblio_id R
tbl_ecocode_systems.biblio_id fk_ecocode_systems_biblio_id R
tbl_geochron_refs.biblio_id fk_geochron_refs_biblio_id R
tbl_methods.biblio_id fk_methods_biblio_id R
tbl_rdb_systems.biblio_id fk_rdb_systems_biblio_id R
tbl_relative_age_refs.biblio_id fk_relative_age_refs_biblio_id R
tbl_sample_group_references.biblio_id fk_sample_group_references_biblio_id R
tbl_site_other_records.biblio_id fk_site_other_records_biblio_id R
tbl_site_references.biblio_id fk_site_references_biblio_id R
tbl_species_associations.biblio_id fk_species_associations_biblio_id R
tbl_taxa_synonyms.biblio_id fk_taxa_synonyms_biblio_id R
tbl_taxonomic_order_biblio.biblio_id fk_taxonomic_order_biblio_biblio_id R
tbl_taxonomy_notes.biblio_id fk_taxonomy_notes_biblio_id R
tbl_tephra_refs.biblio_id fk_tephra_refs_biblio_id R
tbl_text_biology.biblio_id fk_text_biology_biblio_id R
tbl_text_distribution.biblio_id fk_text_distribution_biblio_id R
tbl_text_identification_keys.biblio_id fk_text_identification_keys_biblio_id R

Primary key (automatically incremented).

bugs_reference varchar(60) 60

Identifier linking this entry to the BugsCEP database or other related datasets.

date_updated timestamptz 35,6
doi varchar(255) 255

Digital Object Identifier providing a stable, unique reference for digital content.

isbn varchar(128) 128

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for cataloging and tracking books.

notes text 2147483647

Additional anlabels or comments related to the bibliographic entry.

title varchar 2147483647

Title of the referenced work.

year varchar(255) 255

Year the referenced work was published.

authors varchar 2147483647

Formatted list of authors for the bibliographic entry, adhering to citation standards.

full_reference text 2147483647

Complete citation including all necessary details such as author, title, publication date, and publisher.

url varchar 2147483647

Online link to the bibliographic resource, if available.

biblio_uuid uuid 2147483647


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_biblio_pkey Primary key Asc biblio_id
pk_tbl_biblio_uuid Must be unique Asc biblio_uuid
