
8852 rows


Represents the relationships between different taxa, including interactions such as predation, parasitism, shared habitats, and synonym links. The directionality of the association (e.g., ‘x preys on y’) is crucial.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
species_association_id int4 10

Primary key (automatically incremented).

associated_taxon_id int4 10

Identifier for the taxon related to the primary taxon (defined by taxon_id).

biblio_id int4 10
tbl_biblio.biblio_id fk_species_associations_biblio_id R

Specifies the publication that describes or mentions the species association.

date_updated timestamptz 35,6
taxon_id int4 10
tbl_taxa_tree_master.taxon_id fk_species_associations_taxon_id R

Specifies the taxonomic unit related to this record.

association_type_id int4 10
tbl_species_association_types.association_type_id fk_species_associations_association_type_id R

Identifier for the type of relationship between the primary taxon and the associated taxon, noting the importance of association directionality (e.g., ‘x preys on y’).

referencing_type text 2147483647

Type or method of reference used for the species association documentation.

species_association_uuid uuid 2147483647


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_species_associations_pkey Primary key Asc species_association_id
pk_tbl_species_associations Must be unique Asc species_association_uuid
