
395 rows


Stores contact information for various roles, such as dataset authors, specimen identifiers, and laboratory managers.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
contact_id int4 10
tbl_chronologies.contact_id fk_chronologies_contact_id R
tbl_dataset_contacts.contact_id fk_dataset_contacts_contact_id R
tbl_dataset_masters.contact_id fk_dataset_masters_contact_id R
tbl_dataset_submissions.contact_id fk_dataset_submissions_contact_id R
tbl_dating_labs.contact_id fk_dating_labs_contact_id R
tbl_site_images.contact_id fk_site_images_contact_id R
tbl_site_preservation_status.assessment_author_contact_id Implied Constraint R
tbl_taxa_reference_specimens.contact_id fk_taxa_reference_specimens_contact_id R

Primary key (automatically incremented).

address_1 varchar(255) 255

Primary address, such as a street or institutional address.

address_2 varchar(255) 255

Supplementary address information, such as an apartment or suite number.

location_id int4 10
tbl_locations.location_id Implied Constraint R

Specifies to a location, associating the contact with a specific geographic or organizational location.

email varchar 2147483647

Email address for contact communication.

first_name varchar(50) 50

Given name of the contact.

last_name varchar(100) 100

Surname of the contact.

phone_number varchar(50) 50

Contact’s phone number for direct communication.

url text 2147483647

Associated website or online profile link.

date_updated timestamptz 35,6


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_contacts_pkey Primary key Asc contact_id
