
0 rows


Contains data on the preservation levels and threats to cultural heritage sites. Each record represents a unique preservation status or threat. This table was created at the request of PAN (Polar Archaeology Network) members to support the evaluation of threats to Arctic cultural heritage.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Children Parents Comments
site_preservation_status_id int4 10
tbl_sites.site_preservation_status_id fk_site_preservation_status_site_preservation_status_id R

Primary key (automatically incremented).

site_id int4 10
tbl_sites.site_id fk_site_preservation_status_site_id R

Specifies the site to allow multiple preservation status or threat records per site.

preservation_status_or_threat varchar 2147483647

A descriptive term for the preservation status (e.g., lost, damaged, threatened) or the primary cause of risk to the site (e.g., hydroelectric projects, oil exploitation, mining, forestry, climate change, erosion).

description text 2147483647

A brief overview of the site’s preservation status or the threats it faces. This field is for information that does not fit into other specified columns.

assessment_type varchar 2147483647

Specifies the type of assessment conducted, such as a UNESCO report or archaeological survey, detailing preservation status and threats.

assessment_author_contact_id int4 10
tbl_contacts.contact_id Implied Constraint R

Identifier for the person or authority in tbl_contacts responsible for assessing the preservation status and threats.

date_updated timestamptz 35,6
Evaluation_date date 13

The date on which the preservation status or threat assessment was conducted, whether formal or informal.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
tbl_site_preservation_status_pkey Primary key Asc site_preservation_status_id
